Heal and release
We can see that in general, the more a culture oppresses animals, the greater its inner agitation and numbness, and the more extroverted and dominating it tends to be.
This is related to the scarcity of meditation in Western cultures, where people are uncomfortable with sitting still.
Quiet, open contemplation would allow the repressed guilt and violence of the animal cruelty in meals to emerge to be healed and released.
Instead, the very activities that would be most beneficial to people of our herding culture are the activities that are the most studiously avoided.
We have become a culture that craves noise, distraction, busyness, and entertainment at all costs.
This allows our eaten violence to remain buried, blocked, denied, and righteously projected.
May all beings be free and at peace, Will
http://worldpeacediet.com – our daily VegInspiration For The Day
http://circleofcompassion.org – our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update
http://worldpeacemastery.com – our new online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training
Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle
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