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Food for Freedom released and hits #1 on Amazon under vegan books category – 4/24/24
Our Worldwide Vegan Summit for Truth and Freedom: complimentary audio recordings of the inspiring presentations
Eat Green Make Green: Dr. Tuttle Interview with Pat McAuley
Supreme Master TV Interview: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The Health Hero Show: Dr. Tuttle Interview with Tim James
Spiritual Immunity: Dr. Tuttle Interview with Karen Ranzi
Real Truth About Health Conference 2020: Dr. Tuttle Interview
Southeast Asia Lecture Tour – Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan
Healing Our World Retreat and World Peace Diet Facilitator Training – Oct. 18-20, 2019, in Marin county, northern California.
Buddhism and Veganism – Dr. Tuttle Interview about his book (audio) on R.E.A.L.
Release of Bursting Light: Favorite Original Piano Solos by Will Tuttle With Visionary Paintings by Madeleine Tuttle. Featuring sheet music for 15 of Will’s uplifting piano solos, and full-color prints of 25 of Madeleine’s paintings. This collection of sheet music of Will’s original piano music provides a language of the heart available to all pianists, adorned with Madeleine’s paintings that can deepen our connection to our inner vision, and the magnificence of our Earth. The book also includes a complimentary link to access downloadable audio files for all 15 piano pieces that are in the book, so you can listen to them as played and recorded by the composer, Will Tuttle.
Veganism and Humanimal Liberation– Dr. Tuttle on KVMR Radio, Grass Valley, CA
Breaking Free of the Herding Culture – Dr. Tuttle Interview on Raw Intuition (video)
Release of Daily VegInspirations: Jewels from The World Peace Diet, a book of uplifting and evocative quotations by Dr. Will Tuttle, drawn primarily from his best-selling book, The World Peace Diet, with 140 Zen brush paintings by Madeleine Tuttle. Each daily reading expresses an understanding that we can contemplate and strive to embody and share as we go through our day. They can be read as seed-inspirations for each day of the year. The 366 nuggets of insight and information in this florilegium are well-polished jewels distilling deeper truths that our consciousness can unfold and digest through reflection and contemplation.
Release of Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening & Animal Liberation. This book is a collection of teachings and stories by respected Buddhist teachers and writers who are also practicing vegans, drawn from Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana traditions. The volume is edited by Dr. Will Tuttle, and features a wide variety of perspectives connecting spiritual awakening with cultivating compassion for all beings and the importance of animal liberation for human evolution. The book also features original Zen brush paintings by Madeleine Tuttle.
The Hidden Roots of Social Injustice – Dr. Tuttle Lecture, Portland, OR (video).
Reasons to Go Vegan in 2018 with Dr. Tuttle – Sacred Exploration, hosted by Lisa Tremont Ota (audio).
Interview with Jan Brill – “Join The World Peace Diet”
2017 World Vegan Lecture Tour Summary – Europe, India, Asia – Short Videos of Will & Madeleine’s end-of-year lecture tour of India and of China.
Your Inner Islands: Announcing the release of a companion book to The World Peace Diet, Your Inner Islands, by Dr. Tuttle, with art by Madeleine and accompanying music on Islands of Light CD by Dr. Tuttle. This book focuses on teachings and techniques to cultivate intuition, and help bridge the gap between vegan living and authentic spiritual life. Compassion, justice, peace, and liberation and all interconnected.
Audio discussion of 2016 Asian Lecture Tour by Dr. Tuttle
2016-2017 Vegan For Life Lecture Tour – both U.S. & international
Interview with Lee Fulkerson of PlantPure Nation and Forks Over Knives – He said it holds the record for the most listens on their website …
Chinese version of The World Peace Diet released in mainland China, June, 2016
Newsletter – South African Reflections and more
Dr. Tuttle’s Ireland Lectures, Interview, and Visit
Dr. Tuttle’s Visit to Ireland Summarized in this All-Creatures article
The Compassion Project Film (trailer), featuring Dr. Tuttle’s work.
Dr. Tuttle’s Video Interview in The Real Truth About Health Conference. His lectures and panels also videotaped – click here and sort by author.
Dr. Tuttle included in List of 15 Holistic Visionaries.
The World Peace Diet included in this list of 6 Books that are Required Reading.
Dr. Tuttle’s interview, “Holocaust of the Animals,” with Alex Smith of Radio EcoShock.
Article in the Santa Fe Reporter newspaper.
Dr. Tuttle’s lecture in St. Pölten, Austria (with German translation).
Dr. Tuttle & Madeleine speak and answer questions for World Peace Diet Sunday with Lily Macy.
Dr. Tuttle’s interview on ACT (Animal Concerns of Texas) Radio.
Dr. Tuttle’s webinar presentation: “10 Keys to Staying Positive in the Face of Animal Abuse.”
Audio Interview with Dr. Tuttle about the social and spiritual ramifications of The World Peace Diet. With Walter Jacobson, MD and Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino on “Best Ever You Radio“
Dr. Tuttle’s interview about the release of Circles of Compassion, which he edited.
World Peace Meditations CD, by Will Tuttle
A new CD of guided meditations, with words and piano music composed by Dr. Tuttle, is being released on January 1st, 2015. It will be available for pre-order on iTunes and on this site soon! It features original flute music by Madeleine Tuttle. World Peace Meditations: An Eightfold Path for Opening Hearts presents eight meditations, following a short opening preparatory meditation: 1) Developing Intuition 2) Harmonious Relationships 3) World Peace 4) Animal Relations 5) Earth Healing 6) Radiant Health 7) Abundance 8) Joy & Gratitude.
There is an additional 22-minute meditative/musical reading: “World Peace Diet for Meditation,” which provides some particularly poignant and inspiring quotations from Dr. Tuttle’s award-winning book, The World Peace Diet, accompanied by original music.
2015 R
elease: Circles of Compassion, edited by Will Tuttle
We are delighted to announce that the new book edited by Dr. Tuttle, Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice, is being officially released on January 1st, 2015. It is possible to pre-order the book on Amazon now.
Circles of Compassion can also be ordered through Vegan Publishers, the book’s publisher. See this site and the Amazon page for more information about this inspiring book that provides an empowering view into the many intersections among the social justice issues we face today.
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