Remedy, Geneva, Food for Freedom, and USB Drives

Dear friends, we are grateful to you for questioning the official narratives of our culture, and helping to be part of a much-needed awakening of human consciousness on our beautiful and beleaguered Earth.

The assault on animals for food and other products continues, but thanks to you, it is less than it would be. Your efforts to shine the light of respect and kindness are more essential than ever.
The assault on humanity also continues – economically, politically, socially, medically, and spiritually.  It is essential to be proactive in seeking out sources of information that are as free as possible from deception. This is a big challenge these days, and is the primary reason I wrote Food for Freedom – to illuminate how our inner and outer difficulties mirror and flow from our abuse of animals and the mentality this requires.
Right now, there are two additional helpful sources of information and inspiration that we would like to share.
The first is the online webinar series Remedy, May 30 – June 6, hosted by Ty and Charlene Bollinger and featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., David Wolfe, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, and many others. I just watched the first 2 episodes and recommend it for its insights into the medical cartel, and also because it offers many practical solutions to the ever-expanding problem of people who have been injured by the injections.  It’s excellent to share with those you know whose health has been compromised by the medical assault on humanity.
The second is The Road to Geneva which is an international rally and protest at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva, where the World Health Assembly has been meeting to promote a globalist plan to override all national and local governments worldwide in imposing tyrannical medical mandates. There are many people speaking up against this, and you can learn more at the above link.
As mentioned earlier, Food for Freedom provides nourishing insight as well. You can order print and digital copies on Amazon or through any bookstore worldwide, or a signed copy, as well as quantity discounts, through our website.
It is essential that we make every effort to be wide awake, as this excerpt from page 115 makes clear:
“As individuals we are being tested during these times in demanding ways. What we see unfolding since 2020 is the most sophisticated, expensive, well-organized, and far-reaching psychological, medical, economic, and physical assault on humanity-at-large in the history of the world. The false Covid medical narrative, part of a larger agenda, relentlessly hijacked every branch of government of virtually every country. It was clearly a trans-national operation, with globalist plutocrats functioning primarily through the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations and thereby controlling national health agencies, governments, academia, and media. Children, the elderly, and small business owners were especially targeted, but all of us, with the exception of the wealthiest class, were assaulted and have had our freedoms eroded. Fortunately, there have been resilient pockets of higher awareness, and as the months and years have gone by, increasing numbers of us are awakening to the realities of the pervasive deception.”
Heartfelt thanks to you and all the many caring people who contribute your wisdom and compassion to our world, and support this work, enabling us to reach ever more people with the vegan message of health, freedom, and respect in a grass-roots effort toward the positive transformation of our society.
One final announcement! We have just recently completed creating 2 new ways of accessing all our uplifting original music and spoken word recordings: we have 2 new high-capacity USB thumb drives.
The USB Music Drive, contains all 8 of our CD albums (8 hours and 100 pieces) on one USB drive, with both full high-resolution tracks as well as condensed MP3 tracks for all songs, plus all album artwork and extras.
The USB Spoken Word Drive contains 6 CD albums (17 hours) including the 13-hour World Peace Diet audio book plus 2 CDs of guided meditations with music, as well as the Living in Harmony summary of The World Peace Diet, all with original piano musical accompaniment, and 2 early albums of Will’s original piano music. These are MP3 tracks, plus album artwork and extras.
Our global circle of World Peace Diet Facilitators continues to grow, welcoming anyone committed to embodying and sharing the vegan message of radical inclusion and the healing of all our relations.
That’s it for now. May all our efforts to co-create a culture of peace and abundance be fruitful!

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