The Foundations of Freedom for All

Thank you, friends, for all of your efforts to build respect for the web of life on this beautiful Earth. As Thoreau said, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”

Though our cultural programming insists on our right to steal the freedom, purposes, and lives of millions of animals daily, it is heartening to see more and more of us questioning this, and living our lives to help liberate animals as best we can.

The essential message of my new book, Food for Freedom, seems especially appropriate for the Fourth of July, and the underlying idea is that by freeing animals we not only become a healing and rescuing force for them, we become a force for rescuing and positively transforming our human world as well.

If you’d like to get a good overview of the main ideas in Food for Freedom in an inspiring video, please check out this recent interview with Matt Bennett.

Additionally, Madeleine and I are delighted to share with you some more uplifting original piano & flute music (and art) from our Karuna studio here in northern California – It’s a glimpse into one of our morning musical sessions that happen every morning here following meditation. Enjoy this short video!

May you thrive in every way, and may we continue to work together to reveal the many ways we can bring healing to ourselves, animals, and our world.

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