Our entitlement of compassion

Turtles1 by visionary artist Madeleine TuttleVegInspiration
The guilt and shame perpetrators feel for their violent actions stem from their natural sense of kindness and caring, which they have blocked and are violating. Their attitude toward bystanders may even be indignation: “If you want to be a vegetarian, that’s fine, but don’t tell us what to do.” While at first blush this seems reasonable, we quickly see that it is only because of the disconnections and bias inherent in our culture.

Perpetrators wouldn’t dare say, “If you don’t want to beat and stab your pet dog, that’s fine, but don’t tell me not to beat and stab mine.” We all recognize that we aren’t entitled to treat others, especially those who are defenseless, however we like, and that if we are responsible for doing harm, people have every right to ask us to stop.

Prayer Circle for Today
Today let us send our prayers and love to all aquatic animals.

May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the water beings living in the seas, lakes, and rivers. Dear fish, whales, dolphins, crabs, lobsters, starfish, jellyfish, shrimp, coral, and all the other amazing beings who make the waters of earth their home.

Your homes and your very lives are being devastated by huge fishing fleets, by trash, oil, sewage, runoff, and other poisons dumped into your waters, by cutting off your fins, and by capturing you and your loved ones for aquariums and the pet trade.

Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it permanently, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.

Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.

( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman www.peacetoallbeings.com)

www.worldpeacediet.com – our daily VegInspiration For The Day
www.circleofcompassion.org – our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update
www.facebook.com/groups/prayercircleforanimals – our Prayer Circle For Animals Facebook Group
www.worldpeacemastery.com – our online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training
www.facebook.com/groups/worldpeacediet – our WPD Facebook Group

Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle madeleinetuttle.com

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