Indoctrinated? Us?

Hummingbird4 by visionary artist Madeleine TuttleVegInspiration
Most of us resist being told we’ve been indoctrinated. After all, we live in the land of the free, and we like to think we’ve arrived freely at the belief that we need to eat animal products and that it’s natural and right to do so.

In fact, we have inherited this belief. We’ve been indoctrinated in the most deeply rooted and potent way possible, as vulnerable infants, yet because our culture denies the existence of indoctrination, the reality of the process is invisible, making it difficult for most of us to realize or admit the truth.

Prayer Circle for Today
Today let us send our prayers to all the “companion animals” suffering homelessness, abuse, and/or lives in breeding mills.

May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all “companion animals” who are suffering at the hands of human beings.

Dear dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits, snakes, mice, turtles, birds, ferrets, sugar gliders, frogs, and so many others. We pray for you that you may have peace and joy in this precious life of yours.

Some of you want to live free of human interference, and some of you truly want to be part of your human family. We bear witness to your suffering; we do what we can to end your suffering and to encourage others to do the same; and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the cruelty and oppression of each of you.

Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.

( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman – our daily VegInspiration For The Day – our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update – our Prayer Circle For Animals Facebook Group – our online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training – our WPD Facebook Group

Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle

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